CS Executive
CS Executive
CS Executive
CS Executive Module 1 – Jurisprudence, Interpretation & General Laws (JIGL) (2022 New Syllabus)
CS Executive
CS Executive Module 1 – Jurisprudence Interpretation and General Laws (JIGL) (2017 Old syllabus)
CS Executive
CS Executive Module 1 – Corporate Accounting and Financial Management (CAFM) (2022 New Syllabus)
CS Executive
CS Executive Module 2- Economics, Commercial & Intellectual Property Laws (ECIP) (2022 New Syllabus)
CS Executive
CS Executive Module 1 – Setting Up of Business, Industrial & labour Laws (SBIL) (2022 New Syllabus)
CS Executive
CS Executive Module 2 – Economic Business and Commercial Laws (EBCL) (2017 Old syllabus)
CS Executive
CS Executive Module 1 – Setting up of Business Entities and Closure (SBEC) (2017 Old syllabus)
CS Executive